Iranian school kids will now learn ‘drone-hunting’ skills

Iranian school kids will now learn ‘drone-hunting’ skills, This fall, while American grade school students learn under the Obama administration’s Common Core that 3 x 4 can totally be 11 as long as there’s a good reason for the answer, Iranian students will learn a much more useful life skill: how to hunt for unmanned U.S. drones.

Paramilitary units from the theocratic nation’s Revolutionary Guards will provide the lessons, reports the Daily Mail. The objective is to increase civil defense and promote “defensive readiness.”

The details of the drone-hunting curriculum are unknown, but it will be taught to students in Iranian high schools and the equivalents of junior high schools as  well.

General Ali Fazli, acting commander of the Revolutionary Guard’s Basij militia, told Etemad Daily, an Iranian newspaper, about the coursework on the 60th anniversary of a CIA-backed coup which deposed Mohammad Mossadegh, a democratically-elected prime minister.

Iran has captured an American drone already. In 2011, the country seized an RQ-170 Sentinel drone in Iranian airspace. By all accounts, high school students played no role in that incident.

Iran’s government maintains that additional U.S. drones have been caught since then, notes the Mail.
The Basij militia was established in 1979 as a volunteer militia by an edict of Ayatollah Khomeini, the Islamic Revolution’s leader. The group has a storied history. Khomeini urged the original civilian volunteers to fight in the Iran-Iraq war.