New Jersey Woman's Casual Response When Black Bear Sits Down to Hang Out is Impressive

New Jersey Woman's Casual Response When Black Bear Sits Down to Hang Out is Impressive

New Jersey Woman's Casual Response When Black Bear Sits Down to Hang Out is Impressive, Wow! This bear really does enjoy Susan's company, and they make zero attempt to turn around when they see she's also on the porch. That's either a very brave bear or a very brave woman. In this case, I think trust and bravery go both ways!For most people, an encounter with a black bear would be downright frightening. Even if you're an experienced hiker who knows what to do when in the presence of a bear, you simply can't predict the animal's behavior. If you're New Jersey resident Susan Kehoe, though, a bear encounter is as normal as running into a neighbor's dog.

Susan lives in the backwoods of New Jersey, where black bears roam free year-round (aside from when they hibernate, of course). She's made peace with the animals since realizing she lives in their home, and she's even made friends with her local black bears.

In late May, Susan had one of her closest encounters while sitting outside on the porch. A curious black bear climbed up to the porch just to sit down across from her, and they were both as calm as can be. It's honestly hard to believe!Wow! This bear really does enjoy Susan's company, and they make zero attempt to turn around when they see she's also on the porch. That's either a very brave bear or a very brave woman. In this case, I think trust and bravery go both ways!

"Considering black bears are the scaredy-cats of bears," said commenter @alloftheprettylights, "this is surprising! He must really like your vibes." I know what you mean! The backyard black bears I've seen and heard about in California generally do everything they can to avoid people, but they have gotten desperate (and a lot closer to humans) during especially hot summers when water is scarce.

For Susan, who's a huge advocate for bears' freedom and well-being, black bear encounters look a bit different. While she is careful not to approach a black bear herself, she has shown only intelligence and confidence when they approach her (which they often do). According to her TikTok, their encounters happen almost daily!

Black Bear Encounters: What to Do
Even though Susan and her friends coexist peacefully in their neck of the woods, the vast majority of black bears won't be as easygoing about being close to a human. Most of the time, they'll keep their distance when they realize you're human, which is why it's recommended to talk to the bear calmly to help them distinguish what you are. Better yet, talk to your hiking buddy while walking in the woods and have a better chance of avoiding any surprises!

Please remain calm and back away slowly if you do see a black bear. If they begin to follow you, however, you may need to stand your ground and appear as large as possible. Bear spray can be a last resort if a curious bear won't leave you alone, but the majority of black bears won't let situations escalate this far. Staying safe in black bear country requires a little preparation, but these tips can save your life!

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